Phew, another weekend. Hooray~
Wake up man, Junwei...
I am quite free nowadays. Dance only starts on the 28th. However, I am not making full use of the free time I have. Putting off homework to another day...engaged in the computer...not revising...Wake up from this deep slumber, man!!! When February comes, then I know what 'DEATH' really is. When Dance starts, when NCC is going to have extra trainings for the upcoming sergeant promotion camp in March, plus the homework I am going to have, and prepare for common tests. This weekend I had better pull up my socks...
Just now the shooting, I am quite happy with my results le bah. According to the sergeant, I passed. Just passed, but I very happy le, because quite a number of people fail de. And at least I have improvements since last time. But, hopefully, what he said is true...
School really has so much to talk about. Being a student is actually not bad, besides from the homework and all that la. It's just part and parcel of a student's life mah. But see, we make friends, we have fun, we gain knowledge. Days like after exams are fabulous, where we have lunch together, or in the holidays, where we catch a movie or something. I wish I can return to primary school and repeat some more years of student life. But that is impossible one. The only thign that can be done is cherish what you have, man!


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