Collected my number 1 uniform yesterday. It is actually the one the NCC cadets wore last year for GOH for the school's NDP. It took a very long time. And we actually came a bit too late. The Logistics woman, who was pregnant, was probably even more hot-headed. Kept complaining that she could not go home early. She needed to lock the door already. And hurried us. But, must find a suitable size for the shirt and pants mah. Luckily got wear PE attire, coz we needed to try them on. Wearing No.1 is nice, but borrowing No.1 sucks.

Had a talk today by a teacher on "The Dream of the Red Chamber". I think she knows the story quite well, but if I were a student from China, I could have understood better. And I seriously hate the font. When I presented her with the thank you card she was so grateful. Took photos, but I don't have them : (
Received results le. Argh, mine sucks. See the sidebar under 'Cravings'? I cannot achieve point number 1, and that contributes to not achieving point number 2 also. Haiz, I really wonder why people can do it and I can't!
There was an NCC meeting after school. It was only the Sec threes as we are organising the activities for tomorrow. It took such a long time, and in the end, made some people wait for me for nothing, and did not have lunch together. Well, okay, never mind. Because we are facing something like a crisis? Not sure if tomorrow will proceed smoothly. If we do not do a good job, then prepare to face the music from the seniors...
Back to results. I know I will die. Because in the morning my mum said this, "We do not go to school today, but evening come with me to go find tuition."
Hope I can manage the tuition if I really have it. I must pass Add Maths! I do not want to see anymore failures next time. Gratz all who had done well this time. Extend my empathy towards those who do not score as well as desired.
Ah yes, we still ahve the Chem project. I'm gonna chiong through it today. Tomorrow last day of school le still haven complete seh. Pro bah? Wow, thanks all for the concern!!
Cass: Ya, MC actually 2 days leh. So good hor? But I never use it...
Wenxi: I will go to school and let you hear the song, but I will never sing. Too bad :D
Qiqi: So when you all go back ne? Haha, thanks, I will take care de, now not my illness but my studies, lol.
Yanping: Gotten well : ) Thanks. Will be sick again after hearing my parents rant.
Eunice: Yeah, not bad hor? Privilege man.
Kaiting: Ya lor. This Tiger got a kind heart beneath his ferocious face wor. But I see him lieks to mumble, for eg, complain about things.
Ade: The MC really very shiok. Aww, I shall not eat tuna sandwich from that stall again.
Brandon: My life so terrible... got a monster who can poke me but I cannot poke him. Nevertheless, there are fun times, haha.
This is my result slip:

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