As what is presented in front of you now, is a new skin of It's childish and infantile, maybe a lil girlish too, but if you really cannot stand this, do let me know : ) Ah yes, and it's the first navigation blogskin I have.
Next, today is the first day of October, and also the last month of Sec 3. 19 school days left, if I have not miscalculated. Well, of course stress can be over-bearing and tremendous beyond words at times. However, once time has passed, we cannot reverse it. So it's rather a dilemma for me to decide whether I want to graduate faster, or to let nature takes it's course as sec school life would all is but a memory. Yes and not forgetting today is HARI RAYA PUASA. The fasting month is over, I guess our canteen would be more bustling once again : )
This time kind of addicted to neopets. Wonder when am I diligent, but on the other hand, can't possibly expect me to mug all day yea? Ah yes, got back Chem and Bio tests that sucked. Shall not talk about them.
Let me share something about the TV series, 'Friends'! "Friends": a show about six friends in New York as they navigate their way through life and learn to grow up as they approach the third decade of their life. All, with the help from each other to get them through the obstacles that life naturally has for us. Monica is the excessively neat and organized "older sister" of the group, who works as a chef while yearning to find her ideal love. Ross, Monica's older brother, is a paleontologist with a lifelong crush on Rachel. He is a laid-back man with low self esteem and a recent divorcee. Rachel is the pretty, bubbly girl who spent most of her life as a spoiled rich princess. Now she must learn to face the real world. Chandler is Ross' college buddy and the guy who will crack jokes at a moment's notice. Phoebe is a lovable eccentric masseuse who easily could have fit in with Haight Ashbury in the 1960s. And Joey, the friend who has an inverse relationship between his good looks and his intelligence. He dreams of becoming an actor. These six individuals make up the cast of Friends. And of course, that is taken from the web. Credit:
Ha, I ain't that sure of how the characters coem about, coz I just watched from the middle of nowhere -.- Oh, and does that summary sound confusing. Never mind, just the six main chracters are: Joey, Chandler, Ross, Monica, Phoebe, and Rachel. Btw, it is a comedy! Now let's look at the pics, shall we? Credit:

Next, today is the first day of October, and also the last month of Sec 3. 19 school days left, if I have not miscalculated. Well, of course stress can be over-bearing and tremendous beyond words at times. However, once time has passed, we cannot reverse it. So it's rather a dilemma for me to decide whether I want to graduate faster, or to let nature takes it's course as sec school life would all is but a memory. Yes and not forgetting today is HARI RAYA PUASA. The fasting month is over, I guess our canteen would be more bustling once again : )
This time kind of addicted to neopets. Wonder when am I diligent, but on the other hand, can't possibly expect me to mug all day yea? Ah yes, got back Chem and Bio tests that sucked. Shall not talk about them.
Let me share something about the TV series, 'Friends'! "Friends": a show about six friends in New York as they navigate their way through life and learn to grow up as they approach the third decade of their life. All, with the help from each other to get them through the obstacles that life naturally has for us. Monica is the excessively neat and organized "older sister" of the group, who works as a chef while yearning to find her ideal love. Ross, Monica's older brother, is a paleontologist with a lifelong crush on Rachel. He is a laid-back man with low self esteem and a recent divorcee. Rachel is the pretty, bubbly girl who spent most of her life as a spoiled rich princess. Now she must learn to face the real world. Chandler is Ross' college buddy and the guy who will crack jokes at a moment's notice. Phoebe is a lovable eccentric masseuse who easily could have fit in with Haight Ashbury in the 1960s. And Joey, the friend who has an inverse relationship between his good looks and his intelligence. He dreams of becoming an actor. These six individuals make up the cast of Friends. And of course, that is taken from the web. Credit:
Ha, I ain't that sure of how the characters coem about, coz I just watched from the middle of nowhere -.- Oh, and does that summary sound confusing. Never mind, just the six main chracters are: Joey, Chandler, Ross, Monica, Phoebe, and Rachel. Btw, it is a comedy! Now let's look at the pics, shall we? Credit:

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