Did not post yesterday, too tired. But I must do it today, because it is a very important thing. Although the Dance teacher has only taught me for two years, I have really learnt a lot from her, not only about dance but also about values.

Yesterday was just all about the farewell party. She thought of brushing up some gymnastic skills of some students, but...we had already planned something for her. There were various speeches given by ex-students, current dancers and the teacher in charge. We presented Liao laoshi with many gifts and we had a gigantic cake. Laoshi joined us in year 1999. She has been together with us for 4 SYF competitions. We got Silver, Gold, Silver and then Bronze for this year. It is not her fault....but ours actually. in 1999, the dance troupe only had 8 memebers, can you believe it? This is just too little people for us to take part in SYF, the minimum was 12. Then, they had a school-wide audition, like being forced into military service. Many people were unhappy coz it was against their wish. However, Miss Liao proved that it was worthwhile. After we clinched a Silver, it attracted more people to join dance. However, I think it is also partly Miss Liao's commendable way of teaching that makes people want to have a shot in this CCA.
We will not forget Miss Liao's contributions to us. Now, for the photos : )

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