Through A Tough Time
Over and done with field camp. Rumor has it that there will be another one in Jan/Feb. Oh please, let it be a fallacy.
Although it was a mere 3 days, this field camp sucked in many levels. Donning the vest, carrying the medic bag and stretcher, slinging the rifle, was hell of a load. I woke up in the wee hours in the morning without food intake, surviving on about 300ml of water for the entire assault and carrying the heavy load. I was amazed at myself. At one point in time I wanted to give up trudging on, but don't know how or why the human willpower is sometimes powerful beyond measure. Rain resulted in thick and gooey mud, which soiled some of my stuff. The ground around the shell scrape was not level. Damn uncomfortable to sleep. Field camp is also one of the times when people's disgusting characters surface explicitly. They tend to be even more self-centred and short-tempered when they are lethargic. You can even call it the test of friendship. Luckily this time wasn't that bad. It feels really good to have some people around you who you can rely on. People around keep saying this was a field camp well done. I don't have much idea, but anyway, kudos.
Deployment soon, oh yeah! This time no longer COS, but never mind. Tomorrow duty. Shit. Really detest going to medical centre for duty now. Sucky place where you can get all sorts of irritations. Taiwan in less than 2 months time. Ecstatic (: Itinerary almost done; left with one day still don't know what to do. Maybe will research later, time to watch television now.
Although it was a mere 3 days, this field camp sucked in many levels. Donning the vest, carrying the medic bag and stretcher, slinging the rifle, was hell of a load. I woke up in the wee hours in the morning without food intake, surviving on about 300ml of water for the entire assault and carrying the heavy load. I was amazed at myself. At one point in time I wanted to give up trudging on, but don't know how or why the human willpower is sometimes powerful beyond measure. Rain resulted in thick and gooey mud, which soiled some of my stuff. The ground around the shell scrape was not level. Damn uncomfortable to sleep. Field camp is also one of the times when people's disgusting characters surface explicitly. They tend to be even more self-centred and short-tempered when they are lethargic. You can even call it the test of friendship. Luckily this time wasn't that bad. It feels really good to have some people around you who you can rely on. People around keep saying this was a field camp well done. I don't have much idea, but anyway, kudos.
Deployment soon, oh yeah! This time no longer COS, but never mind. Tomorrow duty. Shit. Really detest going to medical centre for duty now. Sucky place where you can get all sorts of irritations. Taiwan in less than 2 months time. Ecstatic (: Itinerary almost done; left with one day still don't know what to do. Maybe will research later, time to watch television now.
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