Film: You Are The Apple of My Eye

Hah, today was totally random. I watched "那些年,我们一起追的女孩" with Ang Jason. It all started when I randomly asked if I can go his house. He said he would be going to Yamaha Music Centre in Boon Lay to enquire about guitar lessons. Nevertheless I followed him and over meal, I suddenly popped the question, "Wanna catch a movie?" I am surprised that he would wanna take up guitar lessons, and at the same time, I marvel at how he decided to buy the guitar and pay for the lessons using his savings, not even accepting subsidies from his parents. Well I wish him all the best for his lessons and hope he has the drive and passion to really master the basics at least.
First time watching a movie with a guy. Anyway, from the Chinese title, it seems rather appropriate even if only guys watch together, no? Haha. I think the movie should be M18 instead of NC16 la. Quite a lot of coarse language in Chinese, and I hope the people are more touched by the storyline and learn meaningful things from the movie rather than picking up those vulgarities and abusing them :O
The movie is rather tear and warmth inducing. I personally don't like some parts for I think they are illogical but then the sweetness compensated for them. Good acting, especially for one of the male protagonists, who hadn't had much acting experience.
Haha, if I hadn't left with MCQs, I would have felt much more guilty going out for leisure. Well, not that I take MCQs lightly, but because the papers are several days later. These few days shall go study already, have been slacking from Monday till now. After As then can go wild with much more ease :)
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