I guess I have not been an active blogger yea? Just finished a little blog hop, going to other people's archives. Ha, nice memories...but we can only look back, and not go back. If I could I would, turn back the time. Enjoy the fun times once more, hope that time could extend itself, or pass at a slower rate. Haha, overcame by a sudden surge of sadness. But I guess there are still fun times to come. Not anymore in this holidays I guess, but I promise to cherish the others in store in the future. Wow, it's already June, coming July...
Add Maths indeed drives me crazy. And I still have tonnes of homework left. I am so dead, seriously think that this holidays is extremely occupied. Shall post a picture today.
I am into 'Fool Again' by Westlife. It is such a good song, love it lots. The lyrics whch I find meaningful are:
"Can't believe that I'm the fool again. I thought this love will never end."
"Baby, you should have called me, when you were lonely, when you needed me to be there."
"But sadly, you never give me too many chances to show you how much I care."
Thanks Yanping for letting me hear it, well, I am a noob in English songs :D If I can, I shall chnage skin today : ) If it is not very nice, remember to leave your comments! Thanks, I will take them into consideration.
*changed song to Sundance by Hit 'n Hide
Replies to tags
Brandon: You know it de la, haha. Very fun person : )
Cass: Have fun? Oh gracious. How I hope this holidays could be longer too...
Jasmine: Oops, sorry, I didn't know you have a blog, ok, shall link you!
Fengyu: You haven't been tagging here man. Maybe she wants to take break bah...
Eunice: Hey thanks, hope you finish your homework soon.
Jiewei: Wow, those memories are still deeply etched in your mind. Ha, I will surely keep them with me, and two weeks have already flown pass since...
This is Add Maths, my poorest subject. Go ahead, laugh, but this pic does not display any marks.

Add Maths indeed drives me crazy. And I still have tonnes of homework left. I am so dead, seriously think that this holidays is extremely occupied. Shall post a picture today.
I am into 'Fool Again' by Westlife. It is such a good song, love it lots. The lyrics whch I find meaningful are:
"Can't believe that I'm the fool again. I thought this love will never end."
"Baby, you should have called me, when you were lonely, when you needed me to be there."
"But sadly, you never give me too many chances to show you how much I care."
Thanks Yanping for letting me hear it, well, I am a noob in English songs :D If I can, I shall chnage skin today : ) If it is not very nice, remember to leave your comments! Thanks, I will take them into consideration.
*changed song to Sundance by Hit 'n Hide
Replies to tags
Brandon: You know it de la, haha. Very fun person : )
Cass: Have fun? Oh gracious. How I hope this holidays could be longer too...
Jasmine: Oops, sorry, I didn't know you have a blog, ok, shall link you!
Fengyu: You haven't been tagging here man. Maybe she wants to take break bah...
Eunice: Hey thanks, hope you finish your homework soon.
Jiewei: Wow, those memories are still deeply etched in your mind. Ha, I will surely keep them with me, and two weeks have already flown pass since...
This is Add Maths, my poorest subject. Go ahead, laugh, but this pic does not display any marks.

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