Secret Garden, The Love

Watched "Secret Garden" finale yesterday. Seriously beautiful drama. Elements of laughter, sorrow and bliss perfectly infused into it. One way how it stands out from common dramas is how they give recognition to stunt doubles and firemen. Both are praiseworthy and respectable occupations, but more often than not, people neglect how much toil those people undergo, how much courage they need, and how much they sacrifice. Like, viewers focus on the main leads of an action movie, and forget that the stunt doubles play an imperative role in contributing to the success and excitement of the movie. "Secret Graden" utilises the soul switching plot. Though it is not new, it is cleverly used in such a way that it indeed makes the love between the couple grow and became the ultimate tool which the male lead used to sacrifice himself for the female.
The drama is a little bit of angels and fairytales, but that does not make it too unnatural and unrealistic. Because, there are also things that people can relate to, such as strong opposition from parents towards a relationship and also people knowing to cherish others only when they have lost them. These are real life experiences and some should be able to put themselves in the shoes of the characters completely. "Secret Garden" has a drama within a drama. Can see that it is filmed with heart and soul. With the sincerity and efforts, it a not a shabby drama and is definitely worth watching.
Side note, Happy Chinese New Year! Back in Malaysia. It is not as fun as it used to be, but nevertheless still celebrating and respecting the occasion as usual. May everyone discover some wonders in life and create your own secret garden, a place where you find solace and comfort when the going gets tough and when the odds are against you.
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