
I thought posting in Chinese would be interesting, but it seems to have created a little upheaval instead o.O It's ok, maybe I won't do it so often, meaning someday I'll still do so :D
The picture above was taken by me during the car ride back to Malaysia on Sunday. Such a picturesque, plus superb photography skills :D I still have somemore, but I think posting one should be sufficient. The title, koped from the 阿布's blog. It was the title of one of his posts, and I like it a lot. Translated to English, it's "My heart wants to go on a holiday." How many 阿布 do you know of? I'm sure who you think should be the one :D
It was great to return to Malaysia. At least I have something to do. I'm still contemplating whether to stay there for a week or so at my Ah Ma's house. I get to ride a bicycle there. After I learnt it in December 2007, (refer to archives, 201 Chalet post) I've not rode it for more than 5 times since then. So of course need to have some practice to hone riding skills, because I tend to get very unstable. Unluckily for me, two of my cousins who I usually play with, had to work (at a cake shop) that day. So I just lingered around, talked, and helped to fold some boxes. Fortunately, the boss didn't chase me out, or else I really don't know what to do to pass the day.
The interesting thing came at night, when one of the two of my cousins was the only one tending the shop. The boss had returned home, and would come back later to close the shop. It was a golden opportunity for something mischievous. I took a drink without paying. Instead of stopping me, my cousin also took bread and ice-cream for himself. He did everything while giving the sentence,(with an air of superiority) "I'm an employee, he won't do anything to me."
I thought, "He can sack you, can't he?"
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