
Returning to work soon. I have been well-rested and have made many discoveries during this period. These knowledge surely aren't going to help in my career, but hey, life isn't all about work right?

One of the things I've uncovered is a Korean band called g.o.d. They debuted in 1999 and are still active today albeit a 9-year hiatus in between - one of the most perennial Korean bands. They might not be that famous outside of Korea probably due to lack of publicity, but they are huge in their homeland. I made this surreptitious discovery when I saw one of their variety shows Shall We Walk Together on YouTube. It was broadcast in 2018, where they embarked on a pilgrimage trail in Spain. I wish I could finish the programme but it's a pity only 3 out of the 10 episodes have been subbed in English. Should there be a day where the rest are subbed as well, I'll be sure to finish them.

These days I find myself listening to g.o.d's songs, and I got easily hooked on several of them. I especially like Road. I do not understand Korean but found Chinese translation for the lyrics, which I realised are fitting to describe my feelings of starting employment with a new company. I will be sharing a live version of the song. Initially I was wondering if they were lip-syncing because it was so flawless, but I listened more closely and found out they were not. They are that good.

If you are reading this, I hope you enjoy the song too.

P.S Not lovin' the new blogger layout. It's so buggy. I do not understand the need to change something, including the logo of a product, if it does not value-add or even gets worse. I've learnt that Psychology plays a role in the product design but often, I do not see how the new product is more enticing or makes actions more seamless. Was it even utilised properly? How did the proposal get approved? Creating for the sake of creating.


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