Despondent (A Little)
I can't believe I felt kind of sad when I had my last stat tutorial on Monday, probably because this is my most devoted tutorial of all time. I did all 10 tutorials, attended all sessions and asked the tutor questions for 8 of them. Never have I been so proactive in asking questions, usually I bring those doubts with me into the examination hall, which is...a major suicide behaviour. The 3 Chinese modules have been generally enjoyable as well. Did 2 presentations, a term paper, and a mathematical project this semester - truly a refreshing change from the previous semesters.
The lecturer for CL2281 used to be an interpreter in the Parliament. He has since retired but still take up some ad hoc jobs, mostly on government service. He is a seasoned translator/interpreter with an abundance of experience, so he would spend most of his time during lectures to share of his presence during the signing of monumental agreements, how his wits saved him from a predicament, and so on. I would say it was an honour and pleasure to hear him speak, but the final examination really depends almost totally on individual capability and practice. The professor for CL1101E lamented how enrollment for the module has steadily declined over the years. About 8 years back, the enrollment was almost triple the current count. He gave a 90-degree bow during the second lecture to thank us for our attendance, and from time to time, he subtly or openly urged us to show support for the Chinese department by taking up more Chinese modules. He said the main reason for the dwindling number of students is probably the loss of interest in the language, which made me burrow my brows. A lamenting phenomenon. True, there are many students from the PRC and students usually feel intimidated by them. However, I feel that for more technical modules that do not place focus on writing or speaking abilities, we are more or less on the same playing level. A Chinese student rather takes a French module, which is more foreign and similarly faces stiff competition from people who might already have some background. I can understand, but cannot totally understand.
I've attended many lectures myself, and have had meals in the canteen alone, and realised it isn't as hard as I expected. In my previous post, I mentioned that I got acquainted with a stranger. The lecture after that incident, I sat elsewhere, and it felt perfectly ok. In fact, I was much more in peace: better off alone than forcing yourself to sit with someone you cannot click with. In an attempt to escape loneliness, you become more lonely. Actually I met an exchange student as well. Originally from China, she went to the US at 8. Once, she told me that both my languages are not very good because she often needed me to repeat what I said. Let me give a dry haha. Maybe my languages do suck, maybe not, but what I know is that I've never lost interest in them. I shall also take the opportunity now to practise Chinese. The Asian Table Tennis Championships are ongoing, and Zhang Jike is back in action. I know I've written quite a bit on the sport and Zhang Jike, but this inspirational guy really has many stories, and the events that befell him reflect a lot about society as well. While others usually go gaga over football, it's table tennis for me.
刚刚观看了张继科在乒乓球亚锦赛1/4赛的直播,心情感慨。5战3胜制,经过一番折腾后,继科赢下来了。在第三局结束后,他叫了5分钟医疗暂停。 隔着电脑荧幕目睹医疗员在他肿起了的脚踝喷药剂,随后用绷带裹起来试图不让它肿得更厉害,也好让脚还能穿进鞋里,真的很揪心。短短的五分种,没有时间好好冰敷,只能强忍着伤痛继续拼搏。第四局对手追平了。 苦战了四局,好像就快因为心有余而力不足前功尽弃了。但是,外号“藏獒”的他不言放弃,发挥血性本色,将第五局决胜局拿下。他握紧拳头仰天咆哮,是王者归来的架势,也是一种压力释放。
还记得继科二月因高烧不得不中途放弃卡塔尔公开赛,因伤病复发不得不退出三月初的“地表最强十二人”的选拔赛,很多人对他质疑声不断。男女各12名队员在“地表最强十二人”最后一晚一字型排列。大赢家都站在一端,而继科却默默地站在另一端。 曾经在乒乓世界大赛五连胜的他,曾经站在奥运最高领奖台上光芒毕露的他,在当天晚上好像被全世界遗忘似的只能远远看着队友庆祝。镜头一瞬间给了他一个特写,鼻头有些红,眼眶些许湿润。他抬头,泪水倔强没有流下,表情不服中带有一股坚持。这画面也被网友截图配上了“等老子杀回来”的文字。今晚,他证明了自己,巅峰虽然已过,但宝刀未老。可是,有人依然没好话,说他对国内的对手还发狠劲。这真叫人极为无奈。输了吧,就要被嘲讽,被催着退役。赢了吧,还得压抑情绪?那些看扁他的人都对他这些日子憋在心里的苦与委屈贡献了不少。不管你怎么努力,终究还是有人贬低你。赢习惯了,众人当作胜利是理所当然,却往往忘了运动员胜利背后所奉献的岁月以及挥洒过的汗水,因为在输了之后便招来冷嘲热讽。在即丑陋又残酷的世界里,继科一次次突出重围,是一名傲人的战士。
The lecturer for CL2281 used to be an interpreter in the Parliament. He has since retired but still take up some ad hoc jobs, mostly on government service. He is a seasoned translator/interpreter with an abundance of experience, so he would spend most of his time during lectures to share of his presence during the signing of monumental agreements, how his wits saved him from a predicament, and so on. I would say it was an honour and pleasure to hear him speak, but the final examination really depends almost totally on individual capability and practice. The professor for CL1101E lamented how enrollment for the module has steadily declined over the years. About 8 years back, the enrollment was almost triple the current count. He gave a 90-degree bow during the second lecture to thank us for our attendance, and from time to time, he subtly or openly urged us to show support for the Chinese department by taking up more Chinese modules. He said the main reason for the dwindling number of students is probably the loss of interest in the language, which made me burrow my brows. A lamenting phenomenon. True, there are many students from the PRC and students usually feel intimidated by them. However, I feel that for more technical modules that do not place focus on writing or speaking abilities, we are more or less on the same playing level. A Chinese student rather takes a French module, which is more foreign and similarly faces stiff competition from people who might already have some background. I can understand, but cannot totally understand.
I've attended many lectures myself, and have had meals in the canteen alone, and realised it isn't as hard as I expected. In my previous post, I mentioned that I got acquainted with a stranger. The lecture after that incident, I sat elsewhere, and it felt perfectly ok. In fact, I was much more in peace: better off alone than forcing yourself to sit with someone you cannot click with. In an attempt to escape loneliness, you become more lonely. Actually I met an exchange student as well. Originally from China, she went to the US at 8. Once, she told me that both my languages are not very good because she often needed me to repeat what I said. Let me give a dry haha. Maybe my languages do suck, maybe not, but what I know is that I've never lost interest in them. I shall also take the opportunity now to practise Chinese. The Asian Table Tennis Championships are ongoing, and Zhang Jike is back in action. I know I've written quite a bit on the sport and Zhang Jike, but this inspirational guy really has many stories, and the events that befell him reflect a lot about society as well. While others usually go gaga over football, it's table tennis for me.
刚刚观看了张继科在乒乓球亚锦赛1/4赛的直播,心情感慨。5战3胜制,经过一番折腾后,继科赢下来了。在第三局结束后,他叫了5分钟医疗暂停。 隔着电脑荧幕目睹医疗员在他肿起了的脚踝喷药剂,随后用绷带裹起来试图不让它肿得更厉害,也好让脚还能穿进鞋里,真的很揪心。短短的五分种,没有时间好好冰敷,只能强忍着伤痛继续拼搏。第四局对手追平了。 苦战了四局,好像就快因为心有余而力不足前功尽弃了。但是,外号“藏獒”的他不言放弃,发挥血性本色,将第五局决胜局拿下。他握紧拳头仰天咆哮,是王者归来的架势,也是一种压力释放。
还记得继科二月因高烧不得不中途放弃卡塔尔公开赛,因伤病复发不得不退出三月初的“地表最强十二人”的选拔赛,很多人对他质疑声不断。男女各12名队员在“地表最强十二人”最后一晚一字型排列。大赢家都站在一端,而继科却默默地站在另一端。 曾经在乒乓世界大赛五连胜的他,曾经站在奥运最高领奖台上光芒毕露的他,在当天晚上好像被全世界遗忘似的只能远远看着队友庆祝。镜头一瞬间给了他一个特写,鼻头有些红,眼眶些许湿润。他抬头,泪水倔强没有流下,表情不服中带有一股坚持。这画面也被网友截图配上了“等老子杀回来”的文字。今晚,他证明了自己,巅峰虽然已过,但宝刀未老。可是,有人依然没好话,说他对国内的对手还发狠劲。这真叫人极为无奈。输了吧,就要被嘲讽,被催着退役。赢了吧,还得压抑情绪?那些看扁他的人都对他这些日子憋在心里的苦与委屈贡献了不少。不管你怎么努力,终究还是有人贬低你。赢习惯了,众人当作胜利是理所当然,却往往忘了运动员胜利背后所奉献的岁月以及挥洒过的汗水,因为在输了之后便招来冷嘲热讽。在即丑陋又残酷的世界里,继科一次次突出重围,是一名傲人的战士。
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